Thursday, February 27, 2014

Keep Smiling

Hey guys! Guess what? It's almost time for spring break! I cannot wait to be home in Delaware with my friends and family for an entire week. I will be in Virginia this weekend to visit family friends and we are going snow tubing, which I haven't done in long time. I am so excited! I bet you all are just as excited for spring break as I am!

As girls in our late teens or early 20's, we have already experienced a lot in life. We have all had our up's and down's and things happen in our lives that we think we will never get through because it is just too terrible. I know for me, when I was a freshman in high school my family and I went through a really difficult time where we almost lost my dad and could not figure out what was wrong with my younger sister because she was so sick. During that time in my life it was difficult for me to keep a smile on my face.

God got me through the difficult situation because He never leaves our side. Although it may sound difficult, it is helpful to smile through the hard times. There are a number of health benefits to smiling that you may have never even realized before. Here's a list of 8 things to make you want to smile more!

1. Smiling is contagious
2. Smiling reduces stress
3. Smiling puts you in a better mood
4. Smiling makes you look younger
5. Smiling makes you happy
6. Smiling gives you a better outlook on life
7. Smiling burns calories
8. Smiling makes you feel more attractive

All those health benefits should makes you want to smile more often! I really hope this put a smile on your beautiful face and makes you want to smile and have a better outlook on life! Don't let the difficult times get the best of you; trust God to get you through it so that if you can't smile during the situation, you can smile at the end!

Have a great week and remember to keep smiling!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up bones."
Proverbs 17:22

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katherine, I really enjoyed this blog post about smiling. Right before spring break is obviously midterm week and it is by far one of the hardest weeks of the school year. This blog helped me get through it and reminded me to smile even during the sleepless nights and early mornings at the library. Thank you for reminding me of the reasons to smile:)
